Project Summary: Texas coastal communities have historically been exposed to environmental threats from natural and industrial sources. In Ingleside on the Bay, a small, rural community situated along the shoreline of Corpus Christi Bay, tropical storms and high rates of relative sea-level rise cause extreme and nuisance flooding, while industrial expansion is placing stress on the community’s way of life and the natural resources upon which it relies. Such communities lack the comprehensive data needed to advocate for and make informed decisions about risk reduction strategies to mitigate the impacts of industrial growth and climate change. This project engaged with the nonprofit Ingleside on the Bay Coastal Watch Association (IOBCWA), community members, and governmental representatives to assess the role of distributed, real-time sensor technology in improving Ingleside on the Bay’s capacity to respond to dynamic environmental conditions that affect the quality of its air, water, and land resources. It also examined how emerging community-based nonprofits like IOBCWA engage with diverse organizations in response to new threats and how they can utilize environmental sensing data in planning and advocacy efforts.
Title: Implementing an integrated, wireless monitoring network to enhance decision-making in communities impacted by environmental and industrial change
Sponsor: National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Communities Program
Award Period: Oct 2021-Sep 2022
Funding: $150,000
Team: Michelle Hummel, Karabi Bezboruah, Oswald Jenewein, Yonghe Liu, Kathryn Masten